he once wrote me this, saying that the title is called 'i'll be your light'. i used to call him my sunshine, he was a great buddy back then during our college days though sometimes he could be a jerk.yesterday was his birthday so in remembering him, i am portraying him, here.
I'll Be Your Light
If I was one thing, I would be a candle
Lighting the way so you can handle woes
Not having to fight with your foes
I would help keep you from stumbling over.
If I light your path life is easier
Even with strong winds, my light will never extinct
No matter what I'll be here for you
To cheer you up when you are sad.
Don't be afraid when time gets tough
If things look down or kind of rough
Just remember that I am always here
In your heart near and close
I don't want to hurt anyone
It's not a great thing
But one day you may leave me behind
You may no longer need my light
If one day I did not appear
Do not worry do not fear
I might be gone but in your heart
The light I've given you will never depart.
1.45 a.m 041108 Muhammad Firdaus Yusof~~ Happy Birthday man.